Retirement 360

Growth vs Protection



Following the guidance of ultra-investors like Warren Buffett, one wonders how everyday families could practice their beliefs. Beyond picking the right investments and wanting to grow your accounts - Buffet seems to advocate protection even more. “There are too many investors on Wall Street who measure performance based solely on the returns gained. A better measure would be risk-adjusted return. Do not strive to generate every-last dime of profit, if you do so, you expose yourself to unnecessary and harmful RISK. Rather, it is more advisable to make capital preservation one of your leading goals.” Does that apply to you and your beliefs? Are you also a DIYer when it comes to managing your finances? According to a recent CNBC poll, over 75% manage their own money and are using Google as their adjunct advisor. What are the top questions they are asking? How much do I need to retire? How to retire early When can I retire? Alan will add to this list and urge the DIYers to even meet with an advisor, as having