Retirement 360

Biggest questions when starting retirement



Every day we meet families who all have similar questions or expectations for their retirement. While we know two families are not the same, there are a few questions they all seem to ask: What about fees? Who and what are being paid? We dive into the three most common groups of fees: Administrative fees, Investment fees, and Individual service fees Am I being taxed on Social Security? Yes, since 1983 and again in 1993, income tiers were created that formerly only applied to a small group of seniors, now it applies to at least 51% of families - because the base income never accommodated inflation. Moving from too aggressive to too conservative in your investments. Once you're older, it's wise to shift some of your investments from riskier vehicles like stocks to safer ones like bonds. But that doesn't mean you should dump all your stocks. Americans are living longer these days, with 25% of today's 65-year-olds making it past the age of 90.