Retirement 360

Are you READY to retire?



Sometimes, we meet with families and they seem to know exactly when they want to retire - down to the day. While having a target date in mind helps, we still ask, "Are you ready to retire?" Retiring from work is more than just not going to your full time job every day, and it can involve much more planning than setting up your SSI. Are you a business owner? How will you transition out of your business? Have you planned for medical costs? If the medical costs outweigh your structured income, are you ready to go back to work? Are you keeping track of all the fees associated with your retirement accounts? When was the last time you had them reviewed? Planning now, so you can retire when you want to, is essential. Looking over all the aspects of retirement - income, insurance, long-term care, wills, estates, and taxes - is all part of our Retirement 360 Game Plan process. The holistic approach to planning your future.