Retirement 360

2018 Q1 Report



Think of all the times you've put together a plan. Small things need a plan--a house project you swore you'd get to next summer, a fancy cake to impress your family at Thanksgiving. I'm sure you planned for the bigger tasks in life as well-what career you wanted, when to buy a house, whether to have kids or not. Did things always go according to the plan you originally set out? For most of us, the answer is a resounding, "No." What if you landed your dream job and ended up discovering you fit better elsewhere? Maybe the fancy cake ended up tasting awful, and you had to go back to the drawing board before placing it on the table. In short: life happens, plans change. This week on Retirement 360 with Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and Wealth Advisor Troy Bolton, we're going to be discussing how your retirement might face challenges even once you've gotten a plan together-but how you can be ready to face them. If you avoid adjusting your plans for what life throws at you, you'll only end up regr