Retirement 360

A Look Back



American actor John Wayne once said that, "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." Most of us remember Wayne as one of the biggest stars of Western film in the 20th century, perpetually seated on horseback and riding off to fight the latest bad guy in a countless number of films. While well-known now, Wayne started off as a nobody. He picked up gigs as an extra throughout the 1920s and didn't hit in big until 1939 as Ringo Kid in Stagecoach. That's nearly twenty years of being paid peanuts to pursue his dream in the movies. Wayne didn't see it as a bad thing though-instead, no matter how shaky his prospects might be, he always got back in the saddle and kept going, knowing that the end goal was worth it. This week on Retirement 360 with Louisville's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio, we're going to be talking about how taking Wayne's approach and applying it to how you see retirement can help pre-retirees keep a steady course. We've all worked hard over the years to save as much as we can, b