Retirement 360

Special Update: Understanding Volatility



When we're younger, we learn a hard lesson: life doesn't offer any solid guarantees. We can't hold up a signed contract when we lose the Little League game, or it rains on our birthdays, jabbing a finger at a spot where life promised us exactly what we wanted. Keep in mind this isn't always a bad thing either. Haven't we all just known something would go badly, but instead turns out okay? Just as we don't have any guarantees for something going right, we aren't guaranteed for things to go wrong either. It's a two-sided coin, and one we can't do away with. The only real answer is to make sure we have a plan in place to handle any circumstance-good or bad-that comes our way. This week on Retirement 360, wealth advisors Troy Bolton and Aaron Ulrich are going to be discussing how the financial world also doesn't offer guarantees-and why that's okay. Alongside co-host Tony Vanetti, we'll be discussing how the recent market turbulence is something we all have to expect in one way or another. Your retirement plan