Retirement 360

Markets Slide as Bond Yields Rise



With the recent market turbulence that’s been occurring off-and-on during the past week, this might be a good thought to think on: “Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing ‘til it gets there.” Penned by American humorist Josh Billings, it’s a quote that can apply to many aspects of life. Do you pull your steak off the grill when it’s halfway cooked? Or get partway through a job at work and then never finish up? What about a house project—would you paint half of your house, and then decide that’s good enough? The answer to all these questions is probably not. This same concept can be applied to the recent market hiccups. This week on Retirement 360, wealth advisors Troy Bolton and Aaron Ulrich will be discussing why it’s important to make sure you’ve got a plan you can stick to like a stamp, no matter what might come your way. Joined by co-host Tony Vanetti, we’ll be going over why it’s important to know the difference between minor market fluctuations and a