Harvard Divinity School

2017 Stendahl Symposium: Resisting Hegemonies



Congratulations to the Stendahl Symposium awardees who submitted papers on the theme: “Resisting Hegemonies: Understanding Multiplicity in a World of Difference” Denson Staples: "The Remembrance of God: Particularity, Universality, and Divine-Human Relations in the Qur'an" Siobhan Kelly: "Savior Rhetoric in Transgender Celebrity" James Ramsey: "Time, Sound, and the Margins: Theological Stick Figures of Kendrick and Coltrane" Deborah Frempong: "Genres of Self: Locating the Human in Oyono's Houseboy and Sembene's Black Girl" Professor Laura Nasrallah introduced the speakers, with Professor Cornel West responding to them. Learn more about Harvard Divinity School and its mission to illuminate, engage, and serve at http://hds.harvard.edu/.