Media Roots

The International Order of Twelve Knights of Tabor, Militant Black Freemasonry [ Preview 2 ]



The Freemasonic History of the United States VIII: 1880-1891 This is a preview clip to Part VIII Of the Freemasonic History of the United States. To access the full 14 hour episode become a subscriber to Media Roots Radio on Patreon @ 20 years after the Civl War, save for a few rare instances of integration, Freemasonry across the country was still segregated into seperate black Prince Hall Lodges and causasian Blue Lodges. There was more recognition of black Prince Hall Freemasonry by the European grand lodges than there was from any white official Masonic body in the United States at this time. Particularly in the South, black Freemasons were not only up against an erasure of their Masonic charter by Southern white Masons but faced openly racist dehumanizing public deunciations from the highest white Masonic authorities in Mississipi and Missouri. Some Prince Hall Freemasons expressed their abolitionist views using militant rhetoric pre-Civil War and others like Moses Dic