Media Roots

Clinton's "War on Terror" Part 1 of 2



Most people who became politically aware, or 'woke up' after 9/11 might wrongly assume that warrantless wiretapping, rendition of terror suspects, the formation of the homeland security agency and predator drones were spearheaded by the Bush administration. Yet the framework for the 'War on Terror' was actually put into place by President Clinton. Not only did Clinton have several opportunities to either capture or kill Bin Laden, but in the year prior to leaving office, he was warned with eerily similar Presidential Daily Briefs (PDBs) to Bush about imminent US plane hijackings. Throughout out the 90s, the Taliban also rose to power with the help of the Pakistani ISI, Unocal, the CIA and Enron. Join Robbie Martin, co-host of Media Roots Radio, for this in-depth edition of his 9/11 Bulletin series. Follow @fluorescentgrey