Media Roots

Media Roots Radio- Abby Martin's Stand, The Neo-Cons Attack, 'PNAC 2.0'



Here's the short version on Breaking the Set: Abby & Robbie Martin do the first Media Roots Podcast since Abby made international headlines for her off-script remarks opposing the Russian / US involvement in Crimea. They discuss the corporate media hijacking the message to further demonize Russia and outline how an influential DC think-tank called the Foreign Policy Initiative (or FPI) was directly involved in smearing her and RT as a tool to "rally" the people into the brink of a new Cold War. All roads lead to a tightly knit 'hip' and 'young' group of hardcore neoconservative DC players who place themselves in 'millennial' publications like the Daily Beast, Daily Banter and Buzzfeed to push insidious neoconservative propaganda that derives from William Kristol's Foreign Policy Initiative. James Kirchick is not only a senior fellow for (and the sole prominent journalist of) the FPI, but he also used to be an employee of a US funded 'white propaganda' radio net