Media Roots

Media Roots Radio - Interview with Key Eyewitness to "Underwear Bomber" False Flag



Abby and Robbie Martin conduct an exclusive interview with Kurt Haskell, attorney and key eyewitness to the "Underwear Bomber" incident which happened on December 25, 2010. Kurt maintains that he witnessed a well dressed man argue with security and escort Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, or the "Underwear Bomber", on their flight without a passport. Kurt discusses the subsequent government and media cover up about the event and talks about how being a witness to a false flag attack changed his political perspective and caused him to question the entire "War on Terror". The above timeline is interactive. Scroll through it to find out more about the show's music and to resources mentioned during the broadcast. To see a larger version of the timeline with clickable resources go to the soundcloud link below the player. If you would like to directly download the podcast click the down arrow icon on the right of the soundcloud display. To hide the comments to enable easier rewind and fast forward, click on the icon on