Media Roots

Media Roots Radio- TSA, Bush's Book, Flotilla Attack and Interview with Dr. Paul Larudee



On this week's episode of Media Roots Radio, Robbie and Abby Martin talk about the new TSA procedures and privacy violations, Bush's book tour and the media giving him a pass, and analyze the cherry picked "WhatTheFuckHasObamaDoneSoFar" website. On the second half of the show we talk about the Israeli and Palestinian conflict and air a forty minute interview with a survivor of the aid flotilla attack, Dr. Paul Larudee. The above timeline is interactive. Scroll through it to find out more about the show's music and to resources mentioned during the broadcast. This radio show airs on shortwave radio Sundays at 6pm central time, following the Alex Jones show. The frequency is 9.350 MHz. For more information go to