Risen Church Nc

Souls: Advocacy - John 9:1-5



We humans are much more than flesh and blood. We are spiritual creatures. We have a soul. The human soul is intangible, yet it's the source of our expressions. It's invisible, yet it what shapes us into who we are. Our souls are well aware that we're part of a much larger universe. Our souls know that we need more than this world. When we're at our weakest, worst, and most wounded, we can feel our souls' cry for refuge that this world can't provide. Jesus came into a world that had no spiritual refuge, full of wearied souls. Jesus identified that our souls weren't looking for an explanation, but they were looking for advocacy - someone to offer presence, defense and intervention when the world has forsaken us. Jesus engaged with those at their weakest, worst and most wounded to show that He had come to be an advocate for everyone, in all circumstances. He taught that our weaknesses are not our end, but actually the very place where God can do His greatest work. It's in our weakness, that we can exclusive