Risen Church Nc

Prayer: AMEN - Matthew 6:13



In our series on Prayer, God has invited us to find true life in His pathway and plans, through surrendering to, trusting in and following Jesus. The capstone of the Lord's Prayer confirms why this is the obvious posture we should posses ever day - For to God belongs the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory. All things are from Him, all things are for Him, and all things flow to Him. How blessed we are to be able to live for and contribute to His Kingdom, Power and Glory! No matter what gets us down, tempts us to go astray, or overshadows our path, we remember and are strengthened by this: Jesus is bigger, better and brighter. In Him is hope, help and light. In this message, we consider the example of Solomon who showed us how life is best when lived this way, while also showing us what happens when we chose an inferior way.