Risen Church Nc

The Church: Outbreak - Acts 8



While it had faced it's share of hardships, the Church was on the cusp of local prominence and security by Acts 6. The leaders had shown boldness against opposition and it was becoming organized and engaged in local ministries. Yet, things change rather quickly with Stephen's arrest and martyrdom. The Church suddenly is facing an outbreak of state-sponsored persecution. The Disciples are forced to come to terms with their identity and mission in light of this conflict. The Great Commission drives them to maintain their witness, and scatters them beyond Jerusalem. Ultimately, persecution serves to fan the flames of their mission. However, the Church is driven to the margins of society. The ideas of remaining comfortable and prominent in Jerusalem are challenged by this trial. In this message we learn that that was actually God's sovereign intentions of the persecution they were facing. Here in the margins they would intersect with a greater and wider audience. They would take on a more sincere and more p