Risen Church Nc

The Transformed Life - Romans 12



Romans 12 is one of the most important passages of Scripture for a Christian to read, learn and apply to their lives. It invites every unique, fearfully and wonderfully made individual to see their place in the much larger Kingdom of God. Through this text, we are invited to find our way back to where God always intended us to be. We’re reminded that we are made in the image of God and that we dwell amidst a world of other image bearers. To transform the world, the Christian’s job is to imitate Christ, having been transformed by Him ourselves. Christ sought to change the world by loving the world to the point of self-sacrifice. Are we willing to do the same? Romans 12:9-21 are not options for us. They are commandments. We are confronted with unavoidable questions in this text: How driven by God’s love are you? Do you seek to outdo others in showing honor? Do you bless those who curse you? Are you willing to walk in someone else’s shoes, in order to help raise them up? Do you respond to evil with good, and o