Risen Church Nc

Vision Check: Holy Tremble - Exodus 33



The Bible tells us that perhaps our most human flaw is our assumption that our plans are automatically in tune with God's will. If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that we truly have little to no control over what tomorrow holds. But could it be a good, even saving, thing to learn this before it's too late? For far too we long, we've stood up and told God what our plans are. God's Spirit has been reaching out to us for months now, to surrender and covet His will and purposes. If we are willing to be stretched and be led, we can arrive at a relationship with God like never before. If we seek Him and His glory, we may be ruined of this world and it's desires, but we will find an out-of-this world, unrivaled and unmatched connection. If we learn to tremble before Him, in total vulnerability and dependence, we will learn that knowing Him is far greater than having certainty or control over anything else. As much as we want answers and a return to "normal", may we take this opportunity to behold God like ne