Risen Church Nc

Romans 8: Victory



Romans 8 is a victory lap for our hope and salvation in Christ. In it, Paul articulates why we choose God’s way even when it may not be easy or make sense. We believe God is making a way when it may seem impossible, because Christ is our way. By following Jesus and letting His Spirit move thru us, we are declaring to our world that God is at work. We confess that we are a vehicle and vessel through which He is working thru right now and we that we always defer to His sovereignty to work in ways we remain unable Yet we ask Him to call us and conform us to Christ to point to what He is up to. We deny our flesh and depend on His Sprit because there is no life apart from Him. There is no VICTORY apart form Him We signal that Jesus is the only way now and we proclaim that He’s the only way forever and ever to come.