Teachercast Educational Broadcasting Network (full Audio)

5 Ways To Build Your EDU Brand Using LinkedIn: Featuring Andrew Pass



In this episode of the Jeff Bradbury Show, Jeff sits down with Andrew Pass to discuss how you can use LinkedIn to Build Your EDU Brand. If you are a new listener to TeacherCast, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our http://teachercast.net/contact (Contact Page) and let us know how we can help you today. 5 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Build Your EDU Brand Having Confidence that Your Voice Matters How you write and how you participate matters in this world. Connecting with people Best advice for making connections with others How to focus on their needs rather than what you are selling Engaging in conversations on others threads Understanding 1st and 2nd Tier Connections Posting blog posts (both personal and company) Joining groups Explore these Resources https://howtobuildabrand.org/social-media-marketing/using-linkedin-to-build-a-brand/ (Using LinkedIn to Build a Brand - How To Build a Brand) https://medium.com/illumination/5-reasons-why-you-should-be-using-