Easton Online Podcast

From Karate to Jiu Jitsu; A Lifelong Passion For Martial Arts - John Hassett (E26)



Eliott credits John Hassett for being the person that introduced him to Jiu Jitsu. Hassett began his martial arts training with Soo Bahk Do, a Korean style of karate, in which he achieved the rank of 5th degree Master. In the late 90's Hassett transitioned to Jiu Jitsu, first as a student of Steve Maxwell, and now trains under Phil and Rick Migliarese of Team Balance/Balance Studios in Philadelphia. John details his journey from Karate to Jiu Jitsu and discusses what running two of his own schools has taught him about the martial arts business. Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/kawEl-XJ9kc