Protection From Noob Mtgcast

Protection from Noob: ProtNoob_004



Rise Of The Eldrazi is around the proverbial corner and this week Lennox is joined by new co-hosts Chad and Iain to parse the incomplete spoiler and give their take on how the set is shaping up. From the mighty Emrakul, the Aeons Torn to the ineffective Glory Seeker, the trio undertake the mammoth (umbra) task of simultaneously breaking down the set so far, and making terrible puns. What game is more fitting to provide the intro music for a 'cast looking at big creatures than Shadow Of The Colossus by Team Ico? We couldn't think of one either and that's why SotC ended up being this week's videogame theme. Let us know in the comments what you think of the cards we talked about, as well as anything that changed in your estimations at the Prerelease. Follow on Twitter: Lennox (@mtg_lennox) at Iain (@farmer_iain) at Chad (@psientologist) at   Email Lennox at: Email Iain at: shepherdd.iain@gmail.c