Annex Business Media: Podcasts

Blue Line, The Podcast: Constable Amy Boudreau



In this episode of Blue Line, The Podcast, we sit down with Constable Amy Boudreau, who has spent the last eight years as a police officer with a specialty in crime prevention. She is currently enrolled in a Leadership Certificate Program at the University of Waterloo and is an active executive board member for the International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners. She also holds an International Crime Prevention Specialist designation, is on the Community Engagement Team for the Canadian Society of Evidence Based Policing (CANSEBP), is a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Level 1 instructor, and serves as a Mental Health Ambassador. Boudreau shares more about the importance in mindset when it comes come to your career and using roadblock as opportunities. She muses on breaking the officer mold, addressing and mitigating the existing barriers for women in the field, and changing the overall culture.