Diligent Pastors

Living in the Fear of the Lord with Ron McDonnel



The fear of the Lord ought to motivate us to live and serve deliberately. Learn how one man has devoted his life to proclaiming the glory of God. About Our Guest Ron McDonnel has served in pastoral ministry for nearly 45 years, primarily serving Katy Bible Church near Houston, Texas. He has been married to his wife Margaret for 28 years and together they have 5 married children, 22 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. He is also my father-in-law and for six years I had the privilege of working alongside him in ministry. Featured Resource Accordance Bible Software: Study the Bible in the original languages and more on your laptop, smartphone, and mobile device. Other Resources Ron’s weekly Bible study can be heard on KHCB. Tune in at 1:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. (Central Time). The KHCB Mobile App is available for multiple devices. Support the show (https://diligentpastors.com/donate/)