Pioneers Post

Fit for the Future: managing risk takes 'tough conversations' | Part 2



What does it mean to build a healthy, resilient, sustainable organisation that’s able to do good and well at the same time? In this series, Buzzacott and Pioneers Post meet some of the stars of social enterprise and mission-driven business to talk about how to build a strong culture, how to find the right finance, how to navigate risk, and what it means to measure and manage impact. Growing a social enterprise – and growing its impact – often means taking risks. At the same time, making sure that a business is financially sustainable is essential to its survival. How to strike the right balance? Pioneers Post’s managing editor Anna Patton and Buzzacott partner Eddie Finch talk to Zoe Portlock, co-founder and chair of the award-winning social enterprise Bikeworks, and Tej Dhami, managing director of The Change Coefficient, which provides social impact and investment advisory services. Together, they discuss how social enterprises and their investors can think of risk in a way that enables them to achieve gr