Quantum Conversations

QCTV SomRa Part 1 - ET Walk In Experiences - Evolution in Consciousness



Learn more about this episode https://bit.ly/3mL52m9 Access SomRa's Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/somra-anryka-special-offer/ Join us for Part II! SomRa An’Ryka will be sharing about her other Walk-In experiences from both the human’s and Soul’s points of view. Along the way she shares her perspective of the Soul Self and how and why It chooses to incarnate into a polaric reality (3rd / 4th Dimension). You’ll also hear insights about the gestation and birthing process that cause most people – whether Walk-In or Birthed-In – to not be sufficiently integrated with their Soul from the start. Plus hear about what you can do to literally change the foundation of your life to one of greater Joy, Understanding, and Wholeness. This accelerates your Evolution and Awakening now to living more fully as your Peaceful, Powerful Soul Self.