Jorianne The Coffee Psychic

What planetary changes were going through ? w/astrologer Dave Gunning & Jorianne



Hi everyone, Dave's back!!! Please join me, Jorianne The Coffee Psychic, Trance Channeler and Psychic Medium along with my wonderful guest Astrologer Dave Gunning. We will be talking about the planet and the changes it is going through astrologically.   Please call in for any questions you would like to ask either Dave or Jorianne call  1-347-644-9404. Go to streamed live tonight... Thursday September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 PM CST ALSO YOU AN CALL IN FOR A FREE QUESTION ...Remember every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month I am doing ONE FREE QUESTION for each caller who calls in. Please keep in mind the phone lines fill up quickly so in order to be courteous to each caller, please ask your question clearly and once. I will answer each question by using my famous method of coffee reading by pouring the cream in the coffee for each person, and please remember that I have many other callers who also have a burning question, so I have to limit each caller to 3-4 m