Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 GIANT Changes for the Fall 2021 Semester - #138



As we do every semester, I am changing up a lot of things to help me get more done and overall have a better time. Last semester was BOMB, but I have come up three GIANT changes that should really do some amazing stuff for us by the end of the semester:1. No social media (except LinkedIn) - I have been posting very consistently on social media for YEARS. I am very thankful for the support I have gotten from it, but the time has come to change my strat a bit so I can have a different outcome.2. Blog posts each week - this is the main thing that I will be doing instead of posting on social media. I have been making secret blog posts off and on for a while, just have never made the site public. I will let you all know once it's up... a week from today! :) Posts will come out on Mondays, starting the 13th!3. All solo podcasts recorded and uploaded already - This is going to be a GAME CHANGER. I was not able to get enough interviews done to get the whole podcast schedule for Fall 2021 already done and uploade