Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

How to Bankrupt Your Happiness (3 Tips) - #86



Obviously you wouldn't want to do these things... but yeah I thought it was worth the deep dive. As always I hope it was helpful. :)1. Be dishonest. I shared the story of Rita Crundwell and how she has lost all of her credibility from a mistake she made in her life. I also share reasons to not cheat in all aspects of life and how it only cheats you out of the progress you could have made.2. Don't care about your health.When you don't care about your health, it leads to all kinds of problems down the road. Choosing to stay up late one day to work on something won't destroy you, but if you do it over and over again it is really going to impact your overall performance.3. Sell yourself short on the things you do.If you are not on your own side, how do you expect yourself to achieve those big dreams you have?