Shot By Brock

Ep. 58 Andy Mort: Attachment and Letting Go



Sometimes being human feels a bit like being a Katamari ball. Katamari is a video game where you basically move a big ball around, and everything it touches gets stuck to it, like it’s a big magnet, with the ball getting bigger and bigger and heavier and heavier, with all this junk attached to it as it trundles along. In much the same way, as we roll through life we pick up things that stick to us too. In the form of experiences, trauma, life lessons, cultural expectations, notions of right and wrong. All the things that rub off on us as we bump along, trying to figure out which way to turn next. Some of these things that attach themselves to us are useful are beneficial. Skills and learnings that make us better routefinders through the maze of life. Other things start to weigh us down like a big suit of armour made out of trash. Things like anger and resentment, bitterness, unhelpful biases and beliefs that hinder us, that get in the way of our contentment and happiness, distorting our world view, and harmin