Shot By Brock

Ep. 56 Jim Phillips: Living In Full Expression



Perhaps it’s part of the human condition, but most of us seem to have difficulty accepting the way things are. Instead, we find ourselves angered by what we see on the news, enraged by some enemy we are told is out to get us, disappointed by the quality of our lives, or the numbers on our bank balances, or the measurements on our waistbands. Constantly striving for more, and better. There always seems to be something to complain about, to be dissatisfied with, to feel aggrieved about, and always someone or something to blame. It’s almost as if we’ve become addicted to chaos and negativity, and that we have created a system that feeds off this addiction, requiring us to exist in a constant state of low level emotional trauma in order to sell us clicks, clothes and vacations. Requiring us to act and think and behave and identify in certain ways which, when examined closely, are not actually in alignment with who we really are. And it is when we are out of alignment with our authentic selves that we don’t realis