Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 35: Throat Chakra Affirmation Reiki Meditation



#35 | September 17, 2021 Throat Chakra Affirmation Reiki Meditation Chakras play a role in the flow of energy in your body. Running from the base of your spine to the top of your head, the seven main chakras. each correspond to specific nerve bundles and organs in your body. When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it’s thought to have an impact on your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. What are Chakras? We all have energy centers, or chakras, in our body. In Sanskrit, a chakra is also known as a wheel or disk of spinning energy. This energy corresponds to nerve bundles and major organs. Ideally, your chakras stay open and balanced, allowing them to function well. But life happens — and for one reason or another, our chakras can become unbalanced or blocked. This can cause physical or emotional symptoms related to the blocked chakra. Throat Chakra The throat chakra (also known as Vishuddha) located near the region of the throat is associated with speech, hearing, commun