Kapow Radio Show

Crush Anxiety and Fear - Luke 12:32 - Why This Verse is Awesome



Fear, fear, and more fear is all we experience today with our governments, media, corporations, and other self-serving organizations creating anxiety and worry to keep us in a state of servitude.  As people began to worry and be fearful of their futures, they become less empathatic toward others.  Well, Jesus gave us a numerous commands to "Not Fear."  And Jesus also gave us the reasons why fear and anxiety get such a hold on us, due to our greedy nature and He also gave us the way out of all anxiety and fear.  Fear not. Your God has a far better Kingdom awaiting you.  http://www.fifthookmedia.comLuke 12:32 (KJV)Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.