Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley

Ep. 77: Mental Health Awareness Month - Tip#5 - TIME BANDITS



One of the main stressors in modern life is not having enough hours in the day. Trying to juggle working from home and remote learning for those of us in lockdown magnifies the problem. It stirs up the background noise of stress around getting things done at all (let alone on time). How’s your email inbox looking? What about your bills? How are you juggling remote schooling? I find the biggest time bandits in my day are common to most people: * Distraction (including constant interruptions) * Procrastination (including social media) * Perfectionism (not getting anything finished unless it’s “good enough”, or not starting because it “can’t” be good enough) * Overwhelm (too much to do, no idea where to start) What to do? Use apps to simplify your day AND remove any apps from your line of sight that will interrupt your flow * Electronic shopping lists * Voice messaging and voice-to-text apps * “Hide” interrupting apps (social media, email, etc) off the front page of your phone (in a folder is best) … even better