Creative Thursday

251 Artist Success Stories - Dreaming BIG + Making it Happen



Coming to you with a special Sunday edition of the podcast. In 2000, I started to ask myself the question, if I truly believed I could follow my dreams and become anything I want to be in this world, would this path I'm currently on, be the one I'd choose? It was answering that question that ultimately lead me to finally acknowledging that I always wanted to become an Artist. When I was easing my way into the belief that I could be an Artist, I found great comfort in listening to any and all stories from people who had been where I was, chose to pursue their passions and made it. I couldn't get enough of these stories. Let's be honest I still can't get enough. What has become my check-in, I still ask myself that question, which invites me to keep dreaming bigger. And it's listening to stories from the inspiring people out ahead of me on the journey that keeps me appreciating how far I've come and enthusiastically focused forward on all the goodness that is yet to come! I can talk endlessly about my passion fo