Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

A catch up with Paul from Analogue Wonderland



My name is Andrew Walmsley and your listening to episode 154 of photography insights.  This is the show that interviews people from the photography world. I have been shooting film for about 5 years now (or so I believe) and buying it initially online was always daunting. The world is very different now with so many places to buy from but that offer more than just a place to buy.  Luckily I came across Paul at Analogue Wonderland just over 3 years ago. It was clear he had a fresh approach to the industry and quickly established his business.  From his initial interview back in August 2018 I wanted to reach out again to try and summarise whats happened to Analogue Wonderland in the last 3 years. Paul always seemed like one of us and felt like you were dealing with a friend and investing in something good. From the reviews side to the loyalty rewards, it just felt he had really nailed the film sector.  I'm always keen on following people that do good things and Paul is definitely one (as y