Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Lindsay Adler - colour, lighting and technology



My name is Andrew Walmsley and your listening to episode 153 of photography insights.  This is the show that interviews people from the photography world. My friend Stephen Rendall had talked about a famous fashion photographer during a previous podcast (link here).  After going through some of this persons work I was actually enthralled by it and just had to get in contact with them.  Now this was not easy to pull off, she is a very busy lady and it's took some months but I'm pleased to say we have Lindsay Adler.  Lindsay is amazing photographer, who is at the top of her game in the fashion industry (she has over 388k followers just on Instagram!).  Her work is on magazine covers, editorials and adverts across places like Marie Claire, Elle Magazine etc. Lindsay teaches through her links with Adorama, Canon and places like Creative Live too.  She also has 5 books out there too and also started her own learning platform. I truly believe you will become hooked on her work once yo