Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Robert Dash - blueberries, micrographs & montages



My name is Andrew Walmsley and your listening to episode 147 of photography insights.  This is the photography podcast that interviews people from the photography world. We change our thought process and stance on photography fields today.  After speaking with Michael Snyder a few weeks ago I wanted to start exploring another subject that really interests me - science.  Robert Dash is in his 6th decade as he calls it; he’s an educator, naturalist and photographer from the USA. He has had many exhibitions, been published in National Geographic and even spoke at Ted-x! Robert piqued my interest after looking at the Blue Earth Alliance, a great not-for- profit organisation. They serve as a pass-through organisation for tax-exempt contributions in support of environment-related photography projects. Robert is a very experienced person and talks about his love of the environment, climate and nature.  He provides information on his process when working with food and talks about his childhood me