Your Workplace HoRizon

It's a Balancing Act - Some Thoughts on Work-Life Priorities



Corporate trainer and coach, Sheri Stringer, PHR, joins Greg and the gang for another insightful episode on managing the people in an organization.  This time her topic centers on the ever front-of-mind notion of work-life balance.I have never seen a tombstone which was inscribed with "I should have spent more time at the office!"  The constant struggle to balance efforts to build a business or career, and build a rich and meaningful life often lie in stark contrast to one another. Or do they?Sherri offers her thoughts and ideas around finding a balance.  Tips and tricks about organization, prioritization and yes, even proper delegation can lead one to a path of righting the ship so-to-speak.Covey is famous for his Seven Habits Series.  One of his most meaningful quotes is, (and I'm paraphrasing)  "Effective time management is not about getting more done in less time, rather it is about doing less.  It is about subordinating the urgent to the important."  We'll talk about this an