Opportunity Starts At Home

Episode 31 - Education Advocates ARE Housing Advocates



In this episode, we speak with Dr. Stefan Lallinger and Sam Adams about why education advocates must concern themselves with matters of housing policy. Dr. Lallinger is a Fellow at the Century Foundation and Director of the Bridges Collaborative, focused on issues of racial and socioeconomic integration, equity, school governance, and district-charter relationships. Sam Adams is the education programs manager at the Come to Believe Foundation and ongoing contributor to the Opportunity Starts at Home campaign. "The way that we have set up where kids go to school in this country, which is based largely on where they live, has necessitated that educators take an interest in housing policy," said Dr. Lallinger. Intro/Closing Song: Free Music Library, YouTube, “Clover 3” URL: www.youtube.com/audiolibrary