Liquid Church

Know Yourself To Know God| Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 2



In this message from Liquid Church’s Emotionally Healthy Spirituality series, Pastor Tim Lucas shares 3 obstacles King David overcame, and that we too can overcome, to know ourselves and know God better. The reality is, many Christians fail to examine their interior thoughts, motives and fears. But, when you invite God into your inner life, you invite His Holy Spirit to speak to the depths of your soul. You need to know yourself - and who you were created by God to be - so that you may truly know God. When you take time to listen to God through prayer, silence, and reading the Scriptures, you develop a better sense of your identity as God’s beloved child. In this message, we look to the example of King David in 1 Samuel 17. David cut through obstacles of criticism from family, expectations from authority, and intimidation from his enemies, all so he could step into his God-given destiny. Along the way, David lived out a first-hand relationship with God, listening to God and using his unique, God-given gifts t