Liquid Church

How To Have Peace Of Mind | Part 4: Mastermind



What’s keeping you from having peace of mind? Do worries and anxieties about your life or those you love weigh you down? The truth is, your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts, and you can’t have a positive life when you have a negative mind. In this message from part 4 of Liquid Church’s series, Mastermind, Pastor Kayra Montanez highlights how to have peace of mind by sharing the neuroscience at work and the spiritual ways God gives His children peace of mind. We turn to the words of wisdom the Apostle Paul shares with us in Philippians 4:7 to find that prayer should be our first defense when it comes to fighting for a peaceful thought life. Even when Paul was locked in a Roman prison, Paul knew that it is possible to have peace of mind that comes from God despite whatever life circumstances we find ourselves in. Whatever is keeping you from having peace of mind today, remember this: If it’s big enough to worry about, it’s big enough to pray about. While anxiety may come from a