Liquid Church

How To Change Your Frame of Mind | Part 3: Mastermind



Ever wonder how different people can respond to the same situation in seemingly opposite ways? The truth is, the lense through which you look at life changes the way you see the world. It’s all about your frame of mind. If you look at life through a negative filter, you’ll always see the worst. But, if you take captive your thoughts like the Apostle Paul calls Christians to do, you can start looking at life through the perspective of Christ. This is called reframing. But how exactly do you change your frame of mind when it comes naturally to you? In this message from part 3 of Liquid Church’s series, Mastermind, Pastor Tim Lucas highlights 3 practical steps we can take to reframe our relationships and challenging situations in life. In order to look at our circumstances with a Gospel perspective, we’ll need to start by thanking God for what didn’t happen. The truth is, some of God’s greatest gifts can be unanswered prayers! We can practice pre-framing, too, which is deciding how you’ll look at a situation in