Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 3 Episode 6 An Interview with Jacob Hess



Today's Topic – More or less Jacob Hess. You may have caught his first book, The Bright Abyss. Jacob tells stories that are going to be reaching into your darkest fears and your deepest belongings. He wants to connect with you through his stories in a way that many other writers don't bother trying and where we were lucky enough to get them on the show. So without further ado, an interview with Jacob Hess. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow Warmup  Hello is there anything else you would like people to know about you?  Do you feel Orc or Elf today  (Note in most worlds elves are considered nice and orcs are naught. Feel free to use any race that comes to mind. )  Main Feature: (A Conversation about these topics)  Tell us about your latest work?  How do you connect your worldbuilding back to The Story?  When did you know you had a love for worldbuilding?  Tell a STORY about how you knew you love building world