The Ancientwisdomofthefeminine's Podcast

The Golden Era Series : Your Alliances Your Reality



Your connection with your Creator and the choices you make, based on a higher vibration of love, or lower vibrations of fear, anger, or an example, will create the reality you experience. As you become more aware of where your choices take you and what you align with, choose wisely, ask for assistance from the higher realms. and as your consciousness expands it will be reflected in the world around you. You can realize a higher truth in the relationships you have or new ones that you make. All is connected in the world of oneness and how you perceive that world recreates your own path of existence. As you continue to explore who you truly are and your consciousness grows, by the mere physics of being the observer through love, which is the highest alignment there is...the more you  will come to realize that life isn’t happening to you, you are the one creating a life that is based on your own alliances. As a creator, your vibration will set the stage for new alliances and  manifestations of a higher