Health And Safety To Go!

Recognizing Radon



Radon is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas released when uranium, found naturally in rocks and soil, decays. It is also classified as a known carcinogen and a leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. In Canada, radon can be found in new and older homes, public buildings and underground worksites. In this podcast, Dr. Cheryl Peters, Post Doctoral Fellow at Carelton University and Occupational Exposures Lead Scientist at CAREX Canada discusses radon, where it’s found, the impact it can have on our health and how we can limit our exposure to it. Released: November 17, 2016 File Size: 7.8 mb Length: 8:22 minutes ----------------------------------------------------------------- « Recognizing Radon » Le radon est un gaz incolore, inodore et insipide libéré lorsque l’uranium, qui se trouve naturellement dans la roche et le sol, se dégrade. On le classe parmi les substances cancérigènes connues et parmi les premières causes du cancer du poumon chez les non-fumeurs. Au Canada, on trouve du radon dans le