Better Together With Barb Roose

When God Says No | Interview with Janet McHenry



What do we do when God says no to what we've been praying for? If you've clicked over to this podcast, let me tell you right now: You're supposed to be here right now. I don't even know about your life. But, I know that you need to click play on this episode and hear what my friend, Janet McHenry, has to say. She's the best-selling author of the book, Prayer walk, and the author of the newest book, The Complete Prayers of Jesus. Today, Janet speaks powerful, divine wisdom into the hard question: What do we do when God says no? He didn't heal your loved one; He didn't stop your parent from abandoning you; He allowed the divorce to happen; He hasn't rescued your child from drugs; He's allowed your financial or legal trouble to cost you everything. You aren't alone if you're confused or angry because God hasn't answered your prayer the way that you'd hoped. There are verses in the Bible about God giving us the desires of our heart and God invites us to ask Him for anything. Yet, how do we reconcile God's command