Adam Sutherland's Interesting People Podcast

Adam Sutherland's Interesting People - Fergus Muirhead



Delighted to be chatting on this episode to Fergus Muirhead – a genuine expert on the topic of money.  His credentials are utterly impeccable, and you are bound to find some, if not all of what he has to say to be enlightening.  In my case, his advice has been life-changing.  His advice in this episode is not just relevant to the financial implications regarding the onset COVID (as of March 2020), but is very helpful the long term. He is the creator of – “full of accessible, easy to read information and advice on all aspects of money and consumer rights. Fergus is making it his mission to help you understand what you need to be doing to make your money work for you, and to make sure that you understand where you stand as a consumer if you feel you’re getting poor service or your complaints are not being taken seriously.” Some more about Fergus below, taken from – “Fergus Muirhead is an experienced writer and broadcaster. He has written on all aspects of money and consumer