Banned Books

67: John of Damascus - "An argument directed against the Nestorians"



Gillespie and Riley dive deep into an early church argument about Mary, why a bishop named Nestorius, and Mohammed, rejected the virgin birth, and why it's important to discuss the topic today. Text: Chapter XII.—That the holy Virgin is the Mother of God: an argument directed against the Nestorians. Show Notes:  Preorder “Crucifying Religion” by Riley Donavon Riley on 1517, FB, and Instagram Episode #64 - John of Damascus - Critique of Islam Episode #65 - John of Damascus - Critique of Islam, pt.2 Episode #66 - John of Damascus, Arius, Arianna Nestorius bio Christian Classics Ethereal Library — Questions? Comments? Show Ideas? Send them to us at Please subscribe, rate, and review the show in Apple Podcasts: We’re proud to be part of 1517 Podcasts, a network of shows dedicated to delivering Christ-centered content through weekly, monthly, and seasonal audio platforms. Our podcasts cover a multitude of co