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32: Don't Like That We're Righteous Apart From Works? We're Not Done Yet.



Continuing their conversation from episode #31, Gillespie and Riley follow Gerhard Forde, and with him examine Luther's Heidelberg Disputation. This week, Aristotle, righteousness, and whose work is worth calling "good." Our Text: On Being a Theologian of the Cross, Gerhard Forde, Part IV: “God’s Work in Us: The Righteousness of Faith” Show Notes:  David Goggins Instagram Your Job is BS The 10,000 hour rule — Questions? Comments? Show Ideas? Send them to us at Please subscribe, rate, and review the show in Apple Podcasts: We’re proud to be part of 1517 Podcasts, a network of shows dedicated to delivering Christ-centered content through weekly, monthly, and seasonal audio platforms. Our podcasts cover a multitude of content, from Christian doctrine, apologetics, cultural engagement, and powerful preaching. Find out more at 1517. And as always, don't forget Gillespie's coffee for your caffeinated needs and